Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We all know about secrets. There are good ones and bad ones (and probably really bad ones). And, of course, Christmas is the time of year for good secrets. Time for sneaky photo shoots and surprise photo gifts (yes, I relate everything to photography - or Oprah - but that is another post). 

Anyway, there were many a time when I wanted to post a cute Christmas card I did for someone or an image that I knew would be part of a gift, but in many cases my friends' and clients' families read my blog and I did not want to be the one to ruin any good Christmas secrets.

So as I find the time now I might sneak in a Christmas image or two that got left behind in the "Christmas Secret: Do Not Post" bin. 

A couple images of little Miss Freya fell into that bin and I wanted to be sure to post them because she is so sweet (not to mention my future daughter-in-law - see previous post here).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are getting her dowry ready.