Monday, September 29, 2008

Trusting plan C

A half an hour before the ceremony we went from plan A to plan C. Plan A for my wedding? Ah...a quaint ceremony on the hill in Duluth overlooking the perfect fall leaves and Lake Superior. Oh the photographs we could have had. Plan C? A cold, dark ceremony on a covered balcony at the Duluth Aquarium trying to stay dry as the rain misted onto our guests. It was not what I had envisioned. 

And then the beautiful ships came through and interrupted our ceremony with their horns. And then the wind picked up and we got some fun laughing photographs with my veil blowing straight up into the air. And then during our candlelight dinner the storm passed and there was the rainbow. Yes, a beautiful rainbow that made everyone stop eating and "ooh" and "ahh" at what a divine thing this weather was. And then I knew that the day was made even better by plan C. I found myself thankful for this plan that we were too stuck in our ways to see beforehand. Yup, plan C pushed us out of what we thought we wanted, and gave us something marvelous. 

I was reminding myself of this as I was quickly trying to find a plan C during a company event I photographed recently.

They are a recycling company who wanted lots of candid photographs of their friends and family shindig, and they wanted a new employee photo for their website. No problem. 

And then the day actually arrived...rain and all. And the great group photographs I had mapped out all fell by the wayside. As the scheduled time for the group shot approached, and the rain continued, I kept naively thinking that the clouds would magically open and the rain would stop. Yes, we would all run to our designated spots and I would be hauled up in the lift/boom and poof! the perfect image would be captured and everyone would be happy. Suddenly the speeches were over and it was time for me to decide what we were doing - everyone was waiting for direction. And then I jumped to plan one of their warehouses against the recycling. The lighting was so far from perfect. The people were wet and tired from long speeches. The pressure was on. And I was doubtful. I had forgotten the power of plan C.

I must admit however, that now looking at the image, I like it better than I would have liked the same ol' same ol' image in front of their trucks. This tells a story that we would have missed. This is their unique story. And I have to admit, plan C came through for me once again.

This is an amazing company with truly great people. I felt so blessed to be a part of their party and touched by their consideration of, and care for, one another. (It also helped that they have fun spirits which made those speeches go by a whole heck of a lot faster.)

After the group photograph I turned around to capture this shot which pretty much speaks for itself...

The rain started to show its power during the speeches and was coming in the sides of the tent. This group toughed it out and I have the images to prove it!

Sometimes I just love the story in the day, and to share that with you I included a few "story" images, not all from my "polished" collection...

A Kid's Life Photography Website

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hard to use the word "spit" for such a pretty girl.

The big eyes, and the dark hair, and the cheeks (yup, the cheeks too)...she is the spittin' image of her mother. And at only one, she is already her mom's reflection. (If you saw her mom you would know that that is not a bad thing to be.)

Little Sofie was tired when I showed up bright and early, and not completely sure about me. And to be honest, I am not sure if I won her over the entire time I was there. I am quite certain that her thoughts went from "stranger" to "strange jumping and cooing stranger...with a wagon." You see, I brought this little red wagon and Sofie loved it. She wanted to sit in it the entire time and was quite happy to be pulled by her brother, Ethan. And we got some great shots - tired or not - stranger or strange jumping stranger.

I can take some credit for these shots, but I must also admit that when my subjects are such beautiful kids it sure makes my job a whole lot easier... 

The Unaware Beauty

There are a few things you should know before I begin my story...

Grace Ann is now one year old and such a beautiful little girl. I have photographed her before and love those eyes and cheeks. She can light up a room, and even as the exhausted guest-of-honor she was still a delight. I do not want anyone to think that her turning one was not a great thing, but let's be honest here - these first birthday parties are not for them, they are for us. They are for us parents to beam with pride and reminisce and show off our little treasure. These parties say that we have survived a year of babyville and have not yet run away from home (at least not permanently).

And now onto my story. Grace was a little late to her party. Her mom, Elizabeth, had to wake her up to attend. When they finally arrived, I knew something then for sure. I knew that Elizabeth was one of the most beautiful moms I have ever seen. Perhaps some fancy dancy author could describe her glow better than I, but that is what I must call it - a glow. She glowed with her little Grace Ann all day. She glowed. And she was beautiful. At one point her grandmother (also Grace) and I were both quietly admiring Elizabeth. She leaned into me and said, "I have always thought of Elizabeth as an unaware beauty." It was the perfect description for her from such a wise woman.

I wanted to capture Elizabeth in my images but knew that Grace was our girl for the day. But I have to admit that I snuck in a few of Elizabeth. Because 30 years from now they will all want to remember Grace on her first birthday. But Grace will want to see her parents glow. Grace will want to see the joy and love in their faces. And that glow. Did I mention the glow?

I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites from the day...