Monday, June 8, 2009

I mean it this time!

Ok, ok, I know that two posts ago was my last post and that one post ago was my last last post, but this time I mean it! This is my last post on this blog. Seriously. No really. Yes, I mean it!

I am only posting this now because I have had several people contact me saying that they are having problems subscribing to my new blog. Frustrating tech stuff.

Well, I fixed it this morning and all is well. Just click on the subscribe button on my new blog and all your options are there. It's now easy as pie. Not like the homemade pie that takes you all day to make the crust and the filling and get the topping just right. More like the after-you-are-done-with-your-dinner-at-Baker's-Square-and-you-order-a-slice-of-french-silk kind of pie. Wow, doesn't that sound good? 

I had better quit before I get on a pie tangent! 

So, final final final notice. THIS will be my last post here and now you should not have any troubles subscribing to the new blog. Sorry about the inconvenience. Enjoy the pie...

Thank you to all my loyal blog readers. You have no idea how touched I am by your support.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I lied...

...a little bit. But not intentionally. And I didn't know it was a lie at the time. So, does it really count?

In my last post I said that that was going to be my last post on my old blog and here I am, posting here again! I mentioned that I hoped you would join me on my new blog. That you would take time from your busy lives to go to my new blog and take a moment to subscribe to my new blog. Yes, I want to mention my new blog one more time in this sentence, just to sound annoying (It is late - I am tired - Forgive me).

So, forgive me this time and trust me when I say that THIS will be my last post here. I hope to see you on my new blog (Ha! I squeezed it in there one more time!)...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This will be my last post...on this {my old} blog!

We do it ourselves. Everything. All the time. It's who we are. Jessie and Luke Thompson, Do-It-Yourselfers.

We paint. We put up walls. We build furniture. {I drew the line at the homemade breast pump my husband thought up after our daughter was born. Everyone has their line, and that definitely crossed mine!}

And the same goes for some things in my my new blog!!!!!!! I am so excited to announce my new {semi-do-it-yourself} blog. Same Jessie. Same ramblings. Larger images. And much prettier.

A big thanks to all of you who read my blog. I am truly touched when someone references something that they read on it or when I get an encouragement email from a reader. Our world is getting smaller and strangers are becoming friends and I am still fascinated by this whole experience.

So, I hope that you subscribe to my new blog and continue to give me feedback and share your thoughts. 

Thank you again! Now I need to go paint something...


Monday, April 20, 2009

My family's potential disaster!

I owe this blog post to you and I hope you heed my advice.

My three-year-old wants to do everything I do (which is both good and bad!). The other day I cleaned the bathroom, and after I finished with the shower I decided to turn on the water for a quick rinse-off shower. My son was sleeping and my daughter was coloring at the table and pre-occupied for a few minutes (or so I thought).

When I got out of my shower and stepped into the hallway, the floor was wet. Before I could even ask my daughter what had happened, she came around the corner holding the cleaning solution I was just using! My daughter, playing with my bathroom cleaning solution! She had sprayed the spray all over and was now standing in front of me with both the spray solution and the scrub I had used in the shower.

But here is the good part. Instead of calling a poison center I knew all was well. I knew that she was safe despite my mistake of leaving the cleaning supplies within her reach. I knew this because I only use these amazing natural cleaning products called Simply Neutral. In that moment, I fell even deeper in love with these family-safe cleaning products and knew I needed to blog about them, letting you know how our potential disaster was avoided.

I must stop right here and tell you that I first used this product because I have taken all the photos (both product and people) for their brand. I got the perk of keeping the products that I used in the shoots and I LOVED them immediately! So much so that I bought some for both my sister-in-laws and asked Simply Neutral for samples that I could hand out to people. Let me assure you, other than being their photographer, I get nothing for spreading the good word about this company. I just believe in them and their products!

I will spare you the kid-safe and environment-safe details here. Their website is much better at that than I could ever be. I just felt like I needed to share my story with you in hopes that you get some of this product for your family and keep them safe too!!

Ironically, a couple days after this incident I had to shoot a few more products for them including some of this Mad Green Towel. Their awesome product list is growing and I cannot say enough great things about them!

Please check out their website and try their products. Again, I don't get anything from this. I actually feel like I am doing my blog readers the favor here.:)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My laughs for the day (well, two of them anyway)...

If you have read my blogs in the past, you may know that I have admitted to reading Reader's Digest. This morning I read a couple things in April's Reader's Digest that made me laugh out loud, and thought you might enjoy them and be in need of a laugh yourself. 

They are not jokes for the young and innocent. So to balance out the adultness of these jokes, I thought I would throw in a few images of my daughter from the other day.



A farmer pulls a prank on Easter Sunday. After the egg hunt, he sneaks into the chicken coop and replaces every white egg with a brightly colored one.

Minutes later, the rooster walks in. He spots the brightly colored eggs, then storms out and beats up the peacock.


Nobody ever calls you up to tell you something good you did when you were drunk. Nobody's ever said, "Jim, you got ripped last night and painted the orphanage."


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Joyful Girl Photography!!

I started this post as an ode to sleep. It was about how much I have missed it so, remembering days not long ago, when we would meet at eleven, and continue our date until late-morning Heaven. {Perhaps this taste of my ode helps you see why I abandoned the idea and moved on to a more traditional format.}

The reason that I have been missing sleep lately is because I have been up late every night for weeks working on my name and website! Yes, I am now Joyful Girl Photography!

I still love A Kid's Life Photography, and kids will still be my big love and focus. However, I wanted my name to be more versatile as I have done photo shoots with more than just kids including events and products and dogs, etc. Not to mention the fact that I did my first wedding in February and loved it and have two more lined up for the summer. And I am going to start working with high school seniors and am soooo excited about that too!

So, I hope you like my new name and website. It is still a work in progress and you will more than likely see little design changes here and there along the way.

Please check it out and pass it on to everyone you know.

I will leave you with a couple more rough starts to the failed ode...


Remember the times when you could sleep til noon?
When you stayed in jammies and watched cartoons?

When I wasn't a busy mom with a job too?
And building my new brand name with a website to boot?

I love sleep way more than I can say
If I could, I would sleep until noon each day

And I used to do this
I used to sleep lots
And then I had kids
Two of them, now tots

Not to mention a business I love too
working so hard, so much to do
