I started this post as an ode to sleep. It was about how much I have missed it so, remembering days not long ago, when we would meet at eleven, and continue our date until late-morning Heaven. {Perhaps this taste of my ode helps you see why I abandoned the idea and moved on to a more traditional format.}
The reason that I have been missing sleep lately is because I have been up late every night for weeks working on my name and website! Yes, I am now Joyful Girl Photography!
I still love A Kid's Life Photography, and kids will still be my big love and focus. However, I wanted my name to be more versatile as I have done photo shoots with more than just kids including events and products and dogs, etc. Not to mention the fact that I did my first wedding in February and loved it and have two more lined up for the summer. And I am going to start working with high school seniors and am soooo excited about that too!
So, I hope you like my new name and website. It is still a work in progress and you will more than likely see little design changes here and there along the way.
Please check it out and pass it on to everyone you know.
New site: www.joyfulgirlphotography.com
I will leave you with a couple more rough starts to the failed ode...
Remember the times when you could sleep til noon?
When you stayed in jammies and watched cartoons?
When I wasn't a busy mom with a job too?
And building my new brand name with a website to boot?
I love sleep way more than I can say
If I could, I would sleep until noon each day
And I used to do this
I used to sleep lots
And then I had kids
Two of them, now tots
Not to mention a business I love too
working so hard, so much to do
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