Monday, June 8, 2009

I mean it this time!

Ok, ok, I know that two posts ago was my last post and that one post ago was my last last post, but this time I mean it! This is my last post on this blog. Seriously. No really. Yes, I mean it!

I am only posting this now because I have had several people contact me saying that they are having problems subscribing to my new blog. Frustrating tech stuff.

Well, I fixed it this morning and all is well. Just click on the subscribe button on my new blog and all your options are there. It's now easy as pie. Not like the homemade pie that takes you all day to make the crust and the filling and get the topping just right. More like the after-you-are-done-with-your-dinner-at-Baker's-Square-and-you-order-a-slice-of-french-silk kind of pie. Wow, doesn't that sound good? 

I had better quit before I get on a pie tangent! 

So, final final final notice. THIS will be my last post here and now you should not have any troubles subscribing to the new blog. Sorry about the inconvenience. Enjoy the pie...

Thank you to all my loyal blog readers. You have no idea how touched I am by your support.

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