She woke up in Northern California at 2:30 am to begin her journey home. She kissed her three young children, aged 2.5, 3.5, and 5 years old, as they slept. She drove. She rode in a couple airplanes. Her brother picked her up at the airport. She was almost home, but not quite. At the end of this trip home was the wonderful surprise.
So, put yourself in her shoes. She is the mother of three very young children who never gets a break. She got up very early and traveled far. She is about to surprise her parents and sister with her visit home as her father just had heart surgery and she would like to see him. So what would you want to do?
A. Take a little nap to prepare for the big surprise?
B. Go out for dinner as you have not had a real meal in 24-hours?
C. Rush up to your sister's house to see their faces as you surprise them with a knock on the door?
D. Stop by your brother and sister-in-laws' house and let your crazy photographer sister-in-law practice taking photographs of you on her new super-cool backdrop?
If you guessed A, B, or C, then I am sorry, you do not win the prize. If you guessed D then, um, well, I guess you don't win a prize for that either but it was fun to play, wasn't it? (And you got it right!)
She is a natural. Easy to laugh. Beautiful. And she is my sister-in-law, Rachel. How could I not ask her to give me 10 minutes in front of my new backdrop? And seriously, don't we all wish we looked that good after a long trip? Yes, I married a family of beauties.
Thank you, Rach, for your great attitude! You are amazing and I hope you like the photographs of yourself...

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