While I was pregnant with my first child my husband and I took a birthing class. We had to practice breathing and concentrate on finding our "happy place." I really tried hard... for about 30 seconds, but then my busy brain moved on to other thoughts like how I could get an epidural and how long it would take me to get an epidural and if it would hurt to get an epidural. I never really found my happy place, and went with the epidural for both of my children.
I am unsure if we are going to have a third child, but I do know one thing for sure: I now have a happy place if I need one. It is a porch in rural America on a sunny fall evening. Yup, a porch just like the Lyon's. Ok - not just like theirs, but theirs specifically. This is my new happy place.
The kids are amazing and were so fun and kind to me (I even left with a gift of original artwork!). We played hard, and even through the wrestling, they were full of love for each other. While we played, their parents sat on the swing and visited, and you could tell that they so enjoyed each other's company even after 12 years of marriage. And then there was the sunset and the woods and the grass and the dog and the porch. Oh, that porch where they spend most summer evenings.
Yes, it is pretty much white-picket-fence-ideal-America, but it really goes deeper than that. This porch holds love and time well spent together too. Sounds cheesy, I know, but if you were there you would understand. And I hope the photographs give you a glimpse of that.
I am feeling a bit indecisive so I included quite a few images. I hope you enjoy them...

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