Suddenly I realized the golf ball was aimed at me. Not intentionally, I had just gotten so wrapped up in "capturing the moment" that I forgot to worry about my teeth getting knocked out. But he was only three years old, right? Make that three years old with an amazing golf swing.
After moving out of the way I had to stand back and watch Ethan hit that ball. I was completely impressed by this kid. He knew exactly what to do. He expertly placed the tee and ball. He took the time to make sure his grip was correct. He had a great swing. And he pretty much hit the ball perfect every time. Yup, he was pick-my-jaw-up-off-the-ground good.
So I thought I would give you a sneak peek of our shoot together. This photograph was the last good one of the day. Ethan's one-year old sister, Sofie, was already napping, and we had pretty much moved into the "done and standing around chitty chatting" phase. Then this shot was right in front of me and I could not resist. He was so cute. And he was already focused on his next mission...

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